To honour Emma’s birthday, she shares 25 favourite memories in 25 years:
Tag: Education
My 2018 in review
Here is a roundup of all my achievements, activities and life-changing events in 2018.
Rock For Disability: 1 Year Anniversary
Emma celebrates one year of her blog Rock For Disability…
Westy Drama Groups Christmas performance: Olivia Twist
In September 2018 I joined an adult drama group at the West End Centre in Aldershot. This term we have been working on our Christmas performance which is a modernised version of Charles Dickens’ story Oliver Twist.
Assistive Tech Tips: Part 1 – 10 accessible gadgets for people with sight loss
In part 1 of the Assistive Tech Tips series, Emma recommends accessible gadgets people who are blind or isually impaired can use in their homes.
Catching up and counting down
Emma gives you a catch up on how her autumn has been so far and let you know the events she is counting down to, both in my life and on her blog, in the coming months.
My voluntary work that is shaping content for Muscular Dystrophy UK
Since February 2017, I’ve been a member of the Content Advisory Group for the disability charity Muscular Dystrophy UK (MDUK), which supports people and their families with muscle-wasting conditions.
5 factors that cause mental health problems in people with physical disabilities
To mark the occasion and raise awareness, I want to share factors that cause mental health in people with physical disabilities.
There’s no business like show business | West End Centre Theatre Company
This week, after an 18 month hiatus, I returned to the stage and joined a new theatre company.
School is out forever… but never forgotten
Emma shares her unforgettable memories at Treloar school including live music, a trip to Cornwall, proms and many pranks & mischievous events.