5 ways to succeed working from home

Working from home is becoming more possible and beneficial for people. Emma shares five simple ways to organise, plan, communicate and complete work from home.

#30DaySomgChallenge: Music that I like, love and inspires me

In June 2020, Emma took part in the #30DaySongChallenge, where she shares her different song each day on social media. Read on to find out which songs Emma chose and why.

My summary of November 2019

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups for November 2019

My summary of March 2019

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in March 2019.

My 2019 blog-olutions

2019 is in full swing and “what exciting plans do I have for Rock For Disability this year?” I hear you ask. Well here is a brief list of my blog-olutions for this year: