Celebrate World Tourism Day with AccessAble

27th September is World Tourism Day. AccessAble Champion Emma Purcell, who is blind and uses a wheelchair, takes us on a trip to her local nature reserve using the AccessAble App to navigate accessible facilities.

The Reality of Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy & Acute Retinal Necrosis | Guest Blog on UndercoverSuperhero

Emma’s guest post is the 31st post in the segment on Ami Ireland’s blog, called “The Reality Of…” which gives others the ability to share their story and raise awareness of the disabilities, illnesses, impairments and invisible illnesses that they have. Meet Emma!

Becoming a freelance journalist

After countless attempts to secure employment, Emma has announced she has plans of becoming a freelance journalist. Read on to see her goals and how you can help her achieve this dream.

Establishing programmes in Hampshire with AccessAble

As AccessAble Champion, Emma was given the opportunity to arrange and attend meetings with local councillors to discuss the benefits of Access Guides in our local areas.