Fifteen years ago, Emma was diagnosed with Acute Retinal Necrosis. She explains what it’s like to live with this frustrating, complex and rare eye condition.
Tag: sight loss
5 reasons audio description is important to people with sight loss
Emma has been running a petition to make audio description available on all films, TV shows and streaming services. So far, we have reached over 1100 signatures. Emma wants to share five reasons why AD is so important for people with sight loss.
10 accessibility features on MacBook Air
Assistive technology is a vital tool for disabled people. Emma recently bought herself a new laptop and goes through 10 accessibility features on MacBook Air.
Accessibility features on TV streaming services for blind and visually impaired people
Accessibility features on TV streaming services are vital tools so that they can enjoy the same experiences as sighted audiences. Emma analyses the accessibility features available and still required.
Guest Blog: 16 tips to keep in mind about grief and trauma
Here is the first featured guest blog post by disability blogger Chelsea, who is blind and has cerebral palsy, shares tips on dealing with grief & trauma.
My summary of October 2019
Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups for October 2019.
The Reality of Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy & Acute Retinal Necrosis | Guest Blog on UndercoverSuperhero
Emma’s guest post is the 31st post in the segment on Ami Ireland’s blog, called “The Reality Of…” which gives others the ability to share their story and raise awareness of the disabilities, illnesses, impairments and invisible illnesses that they have. Meet Emma!
ESA – Extremely Stupid Assessment
Emma shares her experience of being re-assessed for Employment Support Allowancre (ESA).
How AccessAble is helping wheelchair users with sight loss find their freedom | AccessAble
Emma shares how AccessAble can help wheelchair users with sight loss find freedom.
Guest Blog: 10 frustrating things about sight loss by Amanda Gene
Today I like to welcome guest blogger Amanda from Florida, USA and blogger of Amanda Gene. Here she is to tell you more about herself and experiences living with sight loss.