April 2023 summary: A medical marathon

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in April 2023 | A medical marathon

March 2023 summary: The end of an era

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in March 2023 | The end of an era

February 2023 summary: Continuing the status quo

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in February 2023 | Continuing the status quo

January 2023 summary: Seeking a more sociable life

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in January 2023 | Seeking a more sociable life

December 2022 summary: Festivities and football fever #2.2

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in December 2022 | Festivities and football fever #2.2

November 2022 summary: Jungle life and football fever #2.1

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in November 2022 | Jungle Life And Football Fever #2.1

October 2022 summary: Writer turned commissioner

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in October 2022 | Writer turned commissioner