March 2020 summary: job applications, comedy night and award-winning “s**t” podcast

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups for March 2020.

5 Inaccessible Dilemmas for Wheelchair Users on Train Journeys | Guest Blog on Wayfinding

Here is Emma’s guest post on Dr Paul Symonds travel website Wayfinding; sharing her experience of poor accessibility on train journeys.

Guest Blog: 6 Ways That We Can Help Improve Route Access for Disabled Users

This guest blog post is written by Dr Paul Symonds who share his research into how to improve route access for disabled users.

February 2020 summary: Freelance work marathon, bladder botox, catheter change and search for live-in carers

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups for February 2020.

My experience of love with a disability

Valetine’s day is a time to celebrate the love between two people. But for many singletons, it’s just another day. Emma shares her honest experience of love with a disability.

January 2020 summary: New year, birthday and guest bloggers

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups for January 2020.