Get a 30-day FREE trial of the Spokz People wellbeing community and programme for disabled people

The Spokz People Wellbeing Community and Programme is a mental health platform for disabled people and those with health conditions and their families. It is offering a FREE 30-day/one-month trial, in which you can finf out what support is available and how it can help you.

January 2023 summary: Seeking a more sociable life

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in January 2023 | Seeking a more sociable life

10 perks of being a disabled person

Being disabled does come with many challenges and barriers but on many occasions, it does have its benefits and advantages. Here Emma shares her 10 perks of being a disabled person.

December 2022 summary: Festivities and football fever #2.2

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in December 2022 | Festivities and football fever #2.2

October 2022 summary: Writer turned commissioner

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in October 2022 | Writer turned commissioner

15 songs that motivate me

Music is a powerful tool that can bring hope, understanding, emotion, motivation and positivity. Emma describes 15 songs that motivate her in life.

Loneliness can be the greatest challenge with a disability

I’ve wanted to write a blog about loneliness for many years but kept feeling unsure how to approach it and how to convey my feelings. Even as I write this now, I’m still not sure how best to explain these thoughts. Being disabled comes with many physical and emotional challenges but I find loneliness to be the hardest and most complex challenge of all.

Channel 4 strengthens guidance for the portrayal of disability on TV

The Disability Code of Portrayal is a set of guidelines created by Channel 4 to improve the quality and quantity of disability representation in its programmes. Emma goes through it n more detail and shares her thoughts.