Guest Blog: Why a career as an entrepreneur is a great option for young adults with disabilities

In this guest post, Don Lewis from Ability Labs offers some insights into why a career as an entrepreneur is a great option for young adults with disabilities.

Guest Blog: Business: The perfect fit for young adults with disabilities

In this guest blog by Sara Bell, she explores the various reasons why starting a business career can be an excellent option for young adults with a disabilities.

Guest Blog: How to find an accessible home to accommodate your needs

This guide on how to find an accessible home, written by guest blogger Suzanne Tanner, gives you ideas on how to prepare for every step of the house-hunting process.

Guest Blog: 6 tips to simplify the moving house process when you have an autistic child

In this guest blog, written by Sara Bell, she gives 6 tips to simplify the moving house process when you have an autistic child.

Guest Blog: 6 disabled-friendly fitness options to keep fit and healthy

Guest blogger, Suzanne Tanner, explores some of the different disabled-friendly fitness options available, as well as some tips on how to get the most out of your preferred physical activity.

October 2022 summary: Writer turned commissioner

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in October 2022 | Writer turned commissioner

Rock For Disability is fully restored

As you may have noticed Rock For Disability content has been offline over the past seven months. This is due to me attempting to migrate to a self-hosted platform. However, it has been more challenging than I expected. Thankfully, Rock For Disability has now been fully restored!