August 2023 summary: The wait goes on…

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in August 2023 | The wait goes on…

Accessibility features on TV streaming services in 2023

Emma reviews the accessibility features on nine of the biggest streaming services and find out if things have improved in 2023.

July 2023 summary: We’re bringing it home again… hopefully

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in July 2023 | We’re bringing it home again… hopefully

June 2023 summary: a kaleidoscope of work, heat and virtual fun

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in June 2023 | A kaleidoscope of work, heat and virtual fun

Is the care industry actually caring?

In this blog post, Emma wants to go more in-depth and go through all the care incidents she has encountered over the past five years and the reasons why I moved back in with her parents.

May 2023 summary: Celebrating the launch of Crip Lifeâ„¢

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in May 2023 | Celebrating the launch of Crip Life™

Can disabled people be truly mentally strong?

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week – which takes place from 15th to 21st May 2023 – I want to discuss whether disabled people can be truly mentally strong.

April 2023 summary: A medical marathon

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in April 2023 | A medical marathon

March 2023 summary: The end of an era

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in March 2023 | The end of an era

February 2023 summary: Continuing the status quo

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups in February 2023 | Continuing the status quo