May 2020 summary: Learning new journalistic skills, reviewing assistive technology and playing online Scrabble

Here is Emma’s summary of life updates, work achievements and blog roundups May 2020.

10 accessibility features on MacBook Air

Assistive technology is a vital tool for disabled people. Emma recently bought herself a new laptop and goes through 10 accessibility features on MacBook Air.

Accessibility features on TV streaming services for blind and visually impaired people

Accessibility features on TV streaming services are vital tools so that they can enjoy the same experiences as sighted audiences. Emma analyses the accessibility features available and still required.

6 mobility aids and equipment for physiotherapy | Guest Blog on My Mobility Guide

As a physically disabled person, physiotherapy is an important part of maintaining muscle movement and posture. In this guest blog post on My Mobility Guide, Emma shares six mobility aids and equipment that I use when carrying out my physio.