Petition · Make audio description available on ALL films, TV programmes and streaming services


Please help make audio description available on ALL films, TV programmes and streaming services.

There are 2 million people living with sight loss in the UK and having access to films, television programmes and streaming services is just as important to them as it is to the rest of society.

Currently, TV channels and film networks have to only provide audio description to 10% of its films and TV shows. But we want to increase this to 100% so blind and partially sighted people can access all the same films and programmes as the sighted community.

Audio description is so important because it describes the scenery, colours, facial expressions, body language, action sequences and written text/images (e.g foreign subtitles, smartphones, computers, newspapers, photos).

We need audio description available on ALL films, TV programmes and streaming services!

If you, or someone you know, has a vision impairment and/or you are a supporter of disability equality, then please sign and share this petition – THANK YOU!
SIGN & SHARE AT – Petition · Make audio description available on ALL films, TV programmes and streaming services

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