Today I like to welcome guest blogger Amanda from Florida, USA and blogger of Amanda Gene. Here she is to tell you more about herself and experiences living with sight loss:
Hi everyone, my name is Amanda Gene Nelson. I am a disability blogger who has a visual impairment, mild Cerebral Palsy and Dyslexia. Emma asked me to write about 10 frustrating things about sight loss.
1. People think my glasses cure my sight loss
People do not understand that wearing glasses does not cure my eye condition. I have an eye condition known as Nystagmus where my eyes go back and forth all the time. There is no cure and limited treatment. Wearing glasses helps other eye problems I have, such as near and farsightedness.
2. People think my eye condition is contagious
I get anoyed when people think that my eye condition is contagious. I dislike it when people will not give me my change or come close to me because they think my visual impairment is catchy like a cold. I was born with Nystagmus. Other’s cannot catch it. It is okay to talk to me.
3. People think I’m faking my visual impairment
Some people say I am faking my visual impairment. This is one of the top issues I have. Many people think that I am faking it because I wear glasses or because they have never heard of the condition.
4. People assume I can’t use technology
Many people believe I can’t use the computer or a cell phone at all. The fact is with a screen reader called ZoomText I can have access to the computer just like anyone else. When it comes to using a cell phone, I use an IPhone that can speak to me through an accessibility feature called VoiceOver. I can also use Siri.
5. People believe I can’t work because I’m vissually impaired
It has been mentioned to me that I can’t work due to my visual impairment. This one really bugs me. The fact is if an employer would allow the proper accommodations such as the use of ZoomText, Amazon Echo, etc. I would be able to work. I am on the self-employment track with the help of an organization called Vocational Rehabilitation.
6. Not being able to see far away or close up
This one hurts me. I struggle with seeing both at distance and close up, however with the help of things like a telescope and dome magnifier. I can easily overcome these barriers.
7. People think that Nystagmus gives you the right to feel sorry for yourself
I have had to learn to stay around positive friends and family. Some people say, “oh, I’m so sorry for you.” The fact is having a disability makes me a strong person. I feel happy with myself most of the time. I refuse to feel sorry for myself.
8. People ask me; “Are you on drugs or drunk?”
I have heard many people ask me if I am on drugs or if I am drunk because of the way my eyes move. The fact is I am not. Again, I was born this way.
9. Receive support late while at school
It frustrated me at scool when I got help with my visual impairment late in school. I did not get help for my visual impairment until I was in the fifth grade. It was quite an adjustment; however, the large print books really helped me succeed in school.
10. People doubting that disabled people can achieve their goals and dreams
People assume we cannot achieve our dreams and goals. There are several times that I have heard “you can’t do that, you have a visual impairment.” There are several dreams and goals I have achieved from graduating college with honors to working as a social media specialist for a start up magazine. I have achieved a lot and will continue to do so.
Thank you Emma for allowing me to be a guest on your blog.
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If you would like me to be a guest blogger and/or you would like to feature as a guest blogger on my blog, please contact me.