Guest Blog: How to Work with Your Disability and Become a Musician

Music in colourful pattern

My first Monday Music blog post of 2019 is a guest post written by Natalie Landecker from The Guitar Pal.

Natalie grew up in a household filled with music and guitars which explains her love for anything music-related. As an adult, she works to share this passion with everyone as she believes that music is a wonderful and healing power. When she isn’t playing music, Natalie can be found collecting guitars.

In this blog post, she shares hints and tips for people with disabilities who are aspiring to become musicians:

A love of music can spring up in myriad ways. For some, the simple act of listening to music is sufficient. For others, this isn’t enough – they also have the urge to create their own music. As you can imagine, though, a few obstacles may stand in your way when you have a disability. While many industries have managed to accommodate those with disabilities, there is still a long way to go when it comes to creating your own music.

However, this is far from an impossible task to achieve. It simply takes a little creativity and a willingness to go the extra mile. So, if this is something you are interested in, here are all the tips and guidelines that can help you out:

Analyse Your Strengths and Weaknesses and Research Solutions

Although you may not realise it, there are a lot of different instruments out there. Even some of the more popular instruments have different versions. So, with all of these choices available, there is a good chance that you can find something suitable for you. A good starting point for this would be to analyse your strong and weak points. For instance, perhaps your main problem is with muscle weakness or shortened limbs. Despite this, your dexterity may not be compromised. In this instance, you may find that you are still able to play the guitar. However, instead of opting for a full-sized one, you may want to think about looking for a ¾-sized one or even a half-sized instrument.

Don’t Count Out Alternative Options

Most people are used to an instrument being played a certain way. Therefore, it can be difficult to imagine it being played differently. Well, look at this instance of Richard Quan who was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. Richard didn’t let his condition stop him from doing what he loved most – playing his electric guitar.

Rather than relying on the regular technique, Richard played his guitar strapped to a special table. After all, his fingers were able to pluck the strings without a problem. So, in this manner, he was able to create music. This is why you should always consider alternatives when it comes to playing even the most common musical instruments.

Consider Using Technology to Your Advantage

If you don’t mind stepping into the future (or spending a little money), there are certain kinds of technology out there that can help you. From 3D-printed synth modules to music created solely through the power of your mind, the opportunities are endless. So, even if you have very little use of your limbs, you won’t have to feel left out when it comes to making music. To see what other options may be open to you, it is a good idea to stay on top of music tech-related news. You will find that each day brings new advancements and promise, improving your chances of becoming a musician considerably
These are all the different ways you can become a musician, even if you thought this wasn’t an option for you before. So, go ahead and give these tips a try. You might be surprised by how much you can achieve.

Thank you Natalie for your valuable advice. So if any of you are still thinking of a New Years resolution and have a love of music, maybe learning an instrument could be an option, whether you’re disabled or not. Or are you already a keen musician and want to share your experiences or any tips, please get in touch.

If you would like me to be a guest blogger and/or you would like to feature as a guest blogger on my blog, please contact me.

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